Thursday, August 25, 2011

Food Consumption for Heart Health

Food Consumption for Heart Health

Maintaining heart health should begin early. Do not wait until the heart problem, you just keep it. Heart problem may have a negative impact on other body organs and even cause death

Nothing is more important than maintaining your heart health. Exercise regularly, not smoking, and controlling stress are some of the recommended health experts, of course, all by consuming a variety of essential nutrients for a healthy heart actually food consumption for heart health

1. oatmeal
Start your day with a bowl of oats are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, folate, and potassium. Foods rich in fiber has been proven in numerous studies, capable of lowering LDL, aka bad cholesterol and keep arteries clean channel. Oats is a grain of pure rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber that effectively lower cholesterol. Diets rich in oats can reduce the risk of heart disease. Research has shown that oats lower cholesterol, keep it at normal levels and help prevent certain types of certain cancers. Oats are also a source of protein, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, thiamin, folacin and vitamin E than other types of grain foods.

2. salmon
Again, the omega-3 fatty acids high a mainstay, and is contained in the flesh of salmon. These foods can reduce blood pressure effectively, and maintain proper blood flow. Two servings a week can reduce the risk of death from heart attack by one third. But be sure to choose wild salmon from salmon instead of captivity - they are often packaged with insecticide contamination, pesticides, and heavy metals.

3. avocado
Fruits that contain vegetable fats, are also very good for your heart. Add them to salads or eat them by adding a little coffee and sugar, can be an alternative way to process avocado. Unsaturated fatty acid content in avocados can also lower LDL (bad) cholesterol and raise HDL (good cholesterol) in the blood.0

4. olive oil
Almost no one doubted the efficacy of olive oil. Rich in polyunsaturated fats, olive oil lowers LDL potent and reduce the risk of heart disease entered a further stage. Find the type of virgin oil for at least through chemical processes and the consumption of properly.

5. beans
Walnuts, Hazel Nuts, Macademia, and Mede premises are very rich in omega-3 and polyunsaturated fats-and single. Walnuts are rich in fiber is good even for such a diet and olive oil, a rich source of healthy fats. Just do not consume to excess because it is too risky to raise uric acid.

6. Berries
Blueberries raspberries, strawberries give you any kind of enjoy doing extremely rich in anti-inflammatory substances that will reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer. Give khususunya black and blue, very extraordinary, but all give very good for the health of the heart muscle. Blueberries are one food repellent top disease. This, because blueberries contain anthocyanins, antioxidants derived from blueberries blue. These tasty foods rich in fiber, vitamin C. Consume will satisfy the taste of your tongue at the same time realizing a healthier heart.

7. Cereals
Give the body's intake of fiber from grains, such as beans, peas,green beans. They have omega-3, calcium and high water solublefiber.

8. spinach
Imitate Popeye, the spinach you can count on, too. Spinach helps the heart rate in the best condition, because the content of lutein, folate, potassium and high in fiber. But by adding portions of a variety of vegetables, certainly encourages optimal working heart. Spinach is a major strength of the vegetable kingdom. The dark color comes from a variety of phytochemicals, vitamins, and minerals (especially folate and iron) that play a role against the disease, protect against heart disease, as well as sharpen the eye.

9. soybean
Soy is not less potent suppress bad cholesterol, and because it contains less saturated fat, this is a source of protein rich foods for heart-healthy diet. Soybeans in tempeh, soy milk, tofu is a food of the people, do not be absent from the dinner table. Diets rich in soy protein can lower triglyceride levels, thus helping to prevent cardiovascular disease and keep the heart strong and healthy. Soy protein is also good for those who have high cholesterol because of soy protein rich poliunsaturated fat, fiber, vitamins and minerals. Still, watch the salt content in soybeans, some food processing added sodium that will raise your blood pressure. If you want fresher how do you eat edamame as a snack?

10. chocolate
Brown could reduce levels of LDL (so-called bad cholesterol) and triglycerides, increase HDL. Also reported that cocoa contains phenols antiseptic, anti-inflammatory compound that makes the oxidized fats in the bloodstream so that clog blood vessels. Remember that dark chocolate such as dark chocolate is healthy, and do not go overboard eating chocolate that has been in the form of milk chocolate because it has many mixed by sweetening and full cream milk,

there are many kinds of  food consumption for heart health these you can find around you.