Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Hair Loss Simple Treatment

hair loss treatment
So you are getting to the middle age when your body starts falling apart, or off as the case may be. Because of this you aren't as good at sports as you used to be, the opposite sex doesn't find you nearly as attractive as you used to be, and your family ask you if you are ok, whenever they look at you because they think that you look ill. Well there's hope lads, not for the sports, but at least for the hair! That's right, there is good hair loss treatment options that will halt hair loss right in its tracks so that you can at least look like you are still the man (or at least not sick).

So why do you lose your hair in the first place? Well a great question with a complicated answer. Maybe I can dumb it down for you though. The first thing is that there is not a lot that can do on your own to change your genes (though there are hair loss treatment options that can disrupt the work of these genes). Yeah that's right this is another one of those pesky familial things, and no it's not that you wore your hat too much or picked the wrong hair gel.

The other thing that should at least make you feel better is that your going bald is not a result of you losing your manhood. In fact losing your hair is because you are a little to much of a man if you know what I am saying. Testosterone is what give you hair in all the places that you don't want it and in a slightly different form makes you lose it from the one place that you want it the most--your head. Testosterone is actually reduced to dihydroxy testosterone (DHT) which acts on the hair progenitor cells to shut down DNA replication and bring hair growth to a screeching halt. This process is mediated by an enzyme called alpha-1-reductase. It is the action of this enzyme that is inhibited by certain forms of hair loss treatment. These drugs keep the testosterone in its original form thereby stopping the action of DHT on the cells responsible for hair growth. These drugs work great unless you are an Olympic athlete where they are banned because they have been used by cheaters as cover up for performance enhancing drugs. They say it takes sacrifice to be an elite athlete and they mean it!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

solution for erection dis-function

erection dis-function

Men the world over suffer from erection dis-function, rest assured there has been exhaustive research into this embarrassing situation and there are treatments available.

What are the causes of erection dis-function?

There are an endless amount of possibilities as to what may cause erection dysfunction, and they differ from one man to another. Frequently sufferers are distracted by stress or anxiety when the time calls for duty which correspondingly causes further stress, pressure and frustration. This frustrating issue leaves both the sufferer and their partner unsatisfied and on the quest to discover the cause of this erection dysfunction, as well as a solution to this maddening problem. 

What can be done to battle erection dis-function?

For as many possible causes of erection dysfunction there seem to be just as many treatments available. We hear about it constantly in commercials, all over the internet, and promises offering a cure clog our spam filters. The truth is it may be just as simple as taking a few moments before contact with a sexual partner to take a few breaths, relax and let the stress from the office or the nightly argument over bedtime with the kids to leave the mind. 

Sometimes the answer to erection dysfunction is as simple as that, in other cases help may be found in a supplement or pill form. In either case, there are relatively simply achieved options to solve erection dis-function and no need to suffer this vicious cycle of stress and frustration. There is definitely no need to stress further over a conversation with your physician during your next already uncomfortable physical, there are plenty of herbal treatments available without a doctor's prescription, available at the local drug store or online. 

While these haven't been tested by the FDA, there is quite a bit of online research that can be done into these various erection dis-function herbal treatment pills to give you a pretty good idea what products are worth a try and which to avoid. It is best to visit sites like Amazon to find trustworthy and honest reviews from fellow erection dis-function sufferers who understand your plight and have found relief through herbal medications.

Very simple Ideas to Get Best Skin Care

Men too want to have excellent hunting skin. The days when males had been content with the unkempt, disheveled appearance are long gone. Adult males today are striving for that clean-reduce, even toned company skin that will get them compliments from their female counterparts. Best skin for males can be reached if you start off taking care of by yourself and making use of the best skin treatment for men starting right now.

Most men knowledge unhealthy searching skin due to these explanations:

Loss of collagen and elastin:
It is unhappy to say but as you age your body produces significantly less collagen and elastin. These are two skin proteins that are vital to firmness and elasticity of the skin. As you age less is created and this leads to wrinkles, lines and sagging skin.

Extra sun coverage:
I know most adult males appreciate to be outside, nonetheless if you have to be use suitable sunscreen safety. The UV rays of the sun is damaging to the skin. It prospects to no cost radical things to do which induce the breakdown of cells and collagen and elastin.

Unhealthy ingesting routine:
You are what you eat, that is how the stating goes. The meals you put into your mouth will reflect on your skin. You thus want to try to eat wholesome nutritious meals consisting of fruits, greens, fish and nuts. These will present your body with vital nutrients to hold you shopping and feeling healthful.

Smoking cigarettes and alcoholic drinking:
Using tobacco is harmful not only to your skin but your wellness as perfectly. It dries the skin and leads to premature wrinkling. It is also lousy for your wellness. Quitting or cutting down would considerably result your visual appeal as well as your health and fitness.

Every day shaving:
Shaving regular damages the skin, particularly if not carried out properly. Most guys shave and that is why they practical experience ingrown hair and other skin disorder. Appear for skin care for guys that contains Witch Hazel. This is good antibacterial and antioxidants that protects and heal the skin from any injury caused from shaving.

Dry skin:
Most guys really don't even feel about moisturizing their skin as they think it is really not significant. Applying natural moisturizing lotion built specially for men's skin is recommended. Use a all-natural moisturizer that can penetrate the skin and deliver healing and rejuvenation from within just the cells. This will speed up the pace at which you will start off to see development in your look. Not only will you look and feel excellent you will experience good also.

take a bath.... simple way to be more healthy

take a bath function

Recently there are studies about bath where the body was in addition to cleaning, take a bath also have a role performance boost the immune system, preventing skin diseases, even to heal medical problems.

Several studies showed that the bath was efficacious among others:

1. Diabetes 
For diabetics, with a half-hour soak in a tub of warm water can lower blood sugar levels around 13%. 

2. Heart Health 
With a 10-minute soak in warm water can improve heart health of both men and women. 

3. Eczema 
Eczema is a chronic inflammation of the skin dry and itchy. For patients with skin diseases like eczema, rashes, hives can add baking soda into the tub because it's based on the research of baking soda acts as an antiseptic. 
The trick first water fill with warm water, add about a tablespoon of baking soda and stir until blended. It is advisable to soak for 10-20 minutes. 

4. Infection 
For infections such as thrush can add the warm water that is three or four of cider vinegar and Soak for 15-20 minutes. It's also good for removing toxins from the body because the vinegar can re-balance the acid.

5. Flu and Headache
To cure the flu and headaches can be done by soaking the feet in warm water. Put warm water in the tub to cover the foot and ankle, add a few drops of oils such as lavender, peppermint or lemon. When finished rinse with cold water. Do it for 10-20 minutes.

6. insomnia
For patients who have insomnia or sleep problems can soak the feet in cold water. Put feet to feel cold feet. This treatment is also useful for tired legs, nose bleeds, and constipation.

7. circulation
If you have circulation problems then try to begin to soak the feet for one or two minutes in warm water, then 30 minutes in cold water. Try to do for 15 minutes then settled with cold water.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Natural Fruits Facial

Facials were fancied by women for ages. There are so many different types of them to talk off. However along with these different types of facials, also come the side effects of the chemicals used in them. This is one major reason why people prefer to opt for natural substitutes

Facials are meant to clean up the skin and unclog the pores, so that you are blessed with radiant and younger looking skin. However often when facials don't suit your skin, and then they work in exactly opposite manner.

Fruits are always known to be good for skin, whether applied or directly consumed. As they are natural, one doesn't need to be afraid of any kind of side effects that they may give rise to. Fruits like peaches, nectarines and plums are high in vitamin C.

They also contain antioxidants. These antioxidants have the ability to protect one's skin from the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun. Peaches help to get rid of wrinkles. Avocados are great for dry skin. Bananas work to glow your skin and get rid of sun tan. Strawberries help get rid of blemishes. While cucumbers cool irritation.

Fruits are also wonderful exfoliators. They polish and shine up your skin, and give it a refined look. It also gets rid of acne and calms down irritation. They also moisturize and tone tired looking skin. Their magical essence acts like natural perfume to the layer of your skin. Three main advantages of opting for a fruit facial is that you don't have to worry about the side effects, you get them in your very own kitchen and they are also very reasonable.

causes of Sinus Infection

Top 5 causes of a sinus infection:
1. A Viral Infection

Have you had a viral infection recently? This can be a cause of a sinus infection. Viral infections can inflame your sinus lining. This halts your body from completely removing bacteria that gets into your nasal packages. If the bacteria isn't removed, it starts to multiply, and you now have a sinus infection! Getting rid of your viral infections as soon as possible is important in preventing an infection of the sinuses.

2. Allergies

Another major cause of an infection can be allergies. This goes back to the viral infections. Allergies cause you nasal passages to become inflamed, which leads to a buildup in bacteria. If you aren't taking any medicine for your allergies, then you should really be doing so! Talk to a doctor about this!

3. Swimming

This is surprising to some people, but a large amount of time spent in swimming pools can lead to infections. This is because there is chlorine in pools, and chlorine can irritate your sinuses. In fact, a search on the web finds many swimmers who have dealt with frequent infections.

4. Frequent Flying

Are you a frequent flyer? Flying can really mess up your head. The air pressure changes with takeoffs and landings. This can lead to increased pressure build up in your head which can block your sinuses. I actually had this happen to me just last year. Needless to say, I'm not excited to get on another flight.

5. Smoking

If you are a smoker, you may also be more at risk for an infection. This is because the smoke can irritate your sinuses. In addition, smoke can clog your nasal passages, which certainly doesn't help things. It's another reason to quit smoking!

I hope you found this list helpful. Like I said before, knowing the causes of a sinus infection is a great way to fight them. Now that you know the causes of them, you can be well on your way to preventing them

Thursday, June 2, 2011

How to treat Thrush or known as stomatitis

Thrush or known as stomatitis is a swelling or inflammation that occurs in the lining of the mouth mucosa.

This can be caused from several factors, such as stress, wounds in mouth, food allergies, menstrual cycle, too many take antibiotics or acid.

In some cases, the materials in the house can be an easy way to treat thrush:
1. Gargling with salt water
Gargling with warm water mixed with salt three times a day to heal wounds quickly thrush. Salt content to draw fluid in order to accelerate wound healing of thrush.

2. Drinking yogurt
Yogurt helps the balance of bacteria in the mouth and body. This will speed healing and help prevent thrush. To feel the results, make sure the yogurt contains live acidophilus.

3. Rinse mouth with traditional medicine
Rinse mouth with one of several traditional medicines, such as aloe vera, grape seed extract, hydrogen peroxide, plum juice, tea tree oil and warm water with salt.

4. Apply wounds with garlic and papaya
Applying the medication directly to the thrush can also accelerate wound healing process. Use raw onion, papaya or tea bag directly on the wound thrush.

5. Take vitamins
Studies show thrush is more common in people with less vitamin B. Vitamin C, iron and folic acid also plays a role in preventing and healing of thrush.

If the thrush does not go away until 2 weeks or more, then you should see a doctor. This is a sign of more serious conditions that need to be addressed.

How to Cope And Treating Diarrhea

The cause diarrhea:
  •  Viruses (the most common cause of diarrhea - and usually because of Rotavirus) symptoms: Berak-water stools (watery), frothy, there is NO blood mucus, sour smell.
  •  GE (stomach flu) virus ever since.
  •  Bacteria - Berak2 through blood or mucus, abdominal pain. ---- Requires antibioka as a therapeutic treatment.
  •  Parasite (Giardiasis) - abdominal pain .------ need antiparasite
  •  Children are therapies with use antibiotilka - If diarrhea occurs when a child is in the antibiotic treatment, then call your doctor.
  • Milk allergy, - diarrhea usually occur several minutes or hours after drinking the milk, usually in cow's milk allergy and products made ​​from cow's milk.
  • Infection from bacteria or viruses that accompany other diseases, such as urinary tract infections, ear infections, measles, etc..
Diarrhea disease transmission is contact with the feces of infected directly, such as:

- Foods and beverages that have been contaminated, either already infected by insects or contamination by dirty hands.

- Playing with a toy that is contaminated, especially in infants often include hands / toys / anything into the mouth. Because the virus can survive on the surface of the air until a few days.

- Use of contaminated water sources and no water to cook properly

- Wash and use of milk bottles that are not clean.

- Not washing hands thoroughly after defecation or cleaning the feces of infected children, thus contaminating the furniture and equipment held. 

Diarrhea Treatment
Because the causes of acute diarrhea / diarrhea is the most common sudden virus, then NO treatment that can cure, because it usually will heal on its own after a few days. So the treatment of diarrhea is intended to treat existing symptoms and prevent dehydration or less liquid.

Acute diarrhea can be treated ONLY with the continuing provision of food as usual and drink / just enough fluids.

To remember NOT to give drug treatment to stop the diarrhea, since diarrhea is herself a body's defense mechanism to remove the contamination of food from the gut. Trying to stop the diarrhea with drugs such as clogged pipes that will come out and cause back-flow and will aggravate the channel.

Therefore, diarrhea is the process of the body's defense mechanism, will heal by itself after a few days - (14 days) which contains more diarrhea - , reduced its frequency and recovery.

Most important in the diarrhea is to prevent and cope with symptoms of dehydration.

Prevention of Diarrhea:
- Continue Giving BMS (ASI)

- Pay attention to hygiene and balanced nutrition for the provision of complementary feeding after the baby is 4 months old.

- Because the transmission of direct contact of feces through the hands / insects, so keep clean by making the habit of washing hands for the entire family. Wash hands before eating or providing food for the little one.

- Remember to maintain the cleanliness of food or beverages that we eat. Also, eat or clean furniture baby toys.

if pain persists, get medical attention

how to reach ideal diet with simple ways

If you think you have excessive body fat can be spelled out you can just go on a diet, but do it with healthy way to diet. Many people mistakenly thought to the meaning of diet, diet in the mistaken by eating less but do not know the time and any food that needs less. Here are tips on How to Healthy Diet

1. The first, Do not get rid of certain food groups.

Many people go on a diet by removing certain food groups that are considered enemies of the diet. Yet when running a program of diet, our bodies need a balance of nutrients that enter the body and nutrients to keep our bodies stay healthy. Our bodies need water, vitamins, carbohydrates, less fat, minerals, fiber and oxygen. Enrich your diet with lots of vegetables and fruit, this will help the body build immune system.

2. Secondly, Consider the adequacy of the body's proteins.

The body requires 30 grams of protein a day. Meat, milk and dairy products have very high protein content. Fruits and certain vegetables also contain protein but in small amounts. Legumes, whole grains, and nuts can help you meet the requirement of protein needed by your body.

3. Third, Do not remove all fat

Our body requires 50 grams of fat per day. Not all fats are bad, so you do not need to be hostile to him. Fat will remain slick and keep the muscles strong. You can choose fats 'good' is obtained from nuts, olive oil or avocado.

4. The fourth, Eat only when hungry.

We could restrict the food intake into the body. But sometimes the body difficult to be invited to a compromise. So it is recommended that you eat only when hungry, and then the next hour you may snacking on fruit and vegetables.

That all simple way to reach ideal diet,,,, keep healthy

Simple way to get a beautiful smile

1. Smile Presentation:
Usually people smile with lips slightly opened and teeth little apart or together. However, there is a method in which you can smile that present a positive and self-confident message to those who see you. It is a slight smile with open mouth posture, and showing only the upper front teeth. You can learn this way of the smile with little practice, and that will make others like you. The Dentist Atlanta ensures that with this smile technique you will appear younger, happier and can give a positive image. Through practice, you can win smile presentation, and more you do you can achieve the result in less time.

2. Smile Whitening:
You may look older with unattractive and discolored teeth. The more in taking of coffee or tea will make your teeth stained and becomes yellowish with aging. Even though there are many products that claim to whiten your teeth, you can achieve a long-lasting beautiful smile with two methods, and the results are very fast. The first method is Zoom whitening, which uses a special light and solution to make white teeth in just an hour. You can maintain your teeth color for long years with the follow-up booster kit included. The second method Professional whitening, can be done at home for two weeks. Based on the type of staining, the solutions will be determined, and you can apply it for two weeks at home about an hour a day. The Dentist Atlanta guarantees white teeth with a booster of one hour once in a month and make you look younger.

3. Smile Contouring:
Some patients require only contouring to make their smile beautiful. Even the chipped and broken teeth can be corrected by skilled and efficient Dentists Atlanta. The teeth with too square or too rounded edge and uneven teeth or front teeth longer than the rest of your teeth can be contoured to get a harmonious teeth structure to balance your face.

4. Smile Makeover:
The Cosmetic dentistry can fix your dental problems easily. Genetics, injuries, medications and aging can make your teeth discolored and unattractive. Depending on the technique you have chosen the Dentists Atlanta can make your teeth straighten and beautify your smile in one or two visits. Veneers and porcelain crowns are used in smile makeover to achieve the patient a perfect smile. Porcelain crowns and veneers are created strategically and placed to effect facial muscles and tone and thus creates more younger and good looking.

hair loss treatments

Do not expose your hair to heat. Be it sunlight or hot water or hair dryer. Never comb the hair when it is wet. When you are trying to regrow your hair, then you should not use any kind of harsh chemicals in the form of hair dyes, hair colors or bleaching agents or any hair care products on your hair.

If you are wondering, "how to grow your hair faster?", then simply make an exercise routine and stick to it. If you exercise everyday, it will improve your blood circulation. Increased blood flow to the scalp is bound to stimulate hair growth. Another benefit of exercising is that it helps in keeping stress at bay. It is a known fact that when a person is emotionally or physically stressed, he can suffer hair loss. By exercising every day you are actually avoiding stress and the resultant hair loss.

The liver and kidneys are considered the foundation of blood and essence, according to traditional Chinese. Confirmed by clinical trials, at least one benefit of he shou wu is a hair loss treatment. 60% of individuals taking the herb experienced hair re-growth within three months.

Green tea is also said to have properties that can promote hair growth in women. Some studies suggest that consumption of green tea helps in reducing the levels of testosterone in the blood stream of women, thereby reducing the rate of hair fall. So, it is considered as one of the herbal remedies for hair loss.

A simple adjustment to your lifestyle may have positive impact on your overall health. After all we know that good healthy leads to many good benefits such as healthy skin, healthy follicles and nails. For example, taking a step back in your work life and relax, would help in reducing stress. Learn effective ways to do things and manage your life in a much more efficient manner. Sometime, by letting go may gain you new perspectives.

Put a few drops of vinegar into warm water. Rinse your hair with the water. Vinegar is thought to have a normalizing effect on the scalp's oil glands and pH level as well as having a strong cleansing effect. This practice can prevent hair loss and help hair grow healthier and thicker.

a healthier longer life

Chronological and biological age differences although not yet fully under stood are extremely important to the anti-aging process, because it may mean that individuals may be much younger biologically than the chronological would suggest.

Many cell die because the genes they contain are programmed to trigger a process known as aptosis, in which cells self-destruct to replace old cells with newer ones.

In recent years biological aging has focused on the long molecules of DNA in human cells called chromosomes. All chromosomes have protective caps at either end called telomeres. These telomeres shorten every time the cell replicates. Researchers have found links between the shortened telomers and certain types of age-related diseases such as heart diseases and some cancers. The telomers of of cancer cells, unlike those of normal cells, do not shorten each time the cell divides. Consequently, cancer cells can divide indefinitely.

It may be a mistake to believe that genes cannot be influenced and you are entitled to deal only with the hand that you were dealt. Biological processes that control how and why we age the way we do, are being discovered with increasing frequency. The evidence is mounting, that even our unwanted genes can be work favorably for us.

The number of centenarians in good health and energy are increasing. While there is still optimal solution for longevity or an anti-aging pill, there are a few factors that will contribute to a healthier longer life.

-Daily rigorous physical activity contributes to anti-aging because it not only helps strengthen bones muscles, and the heart, but it also teaches balance, which is critical in preventing the falls that have become a leading cause of death as we grow older.

-Vitamin D. Insufficient vitamin D is one of the most important vitamin deficiency and is possibly a factor in the increased levels of cancer, autoimmune ailments and heart disease. Vitamin D is free. Your body produces vitamin D when you are exposed to the ultraviolet B (UVB) rays in sunlight. Get 15 minutes of sun every day (or take 1,000 IU of vitamin D).

-Diet should consist of a large quantity of fruits and vegetables or foods that look the same after they have come out of the ground. Whole foods contain a larger quantity of phytochemicals and nutrients that support the rejuvenating process.

-Sleep more than seven hours a day. Some individuals claim to function adequately on less sleep, but may in fact be doing themselves an injustice. Sleep increases the levels of growth hormone, which boosts vitality.

fact of Vitamin C for our Skin

Antioxidants are necessary for healing the damage that free radicals have done to the chemical structures in your skin by stealing available electrons. Free radicals are created through oxidation, which is a chemical reaction that occurs when oxygen is added to an element or compound. So long as we breathe oxygen there will be oxidation, which is why we need a steady input of antioxidants to keep our skin healthy.

A vitamin C lotion is also known to help repair sun damaged skin, inhibit the melanin production that could lead to age spot development, and promotes collagen production. A lot of other all natural compounds will increase collagen production as well, such as avocado oil and active Manuka honey. The effectiveness of an anti aging formula depends not so much on what one ingredient can do, but on having the perfect combination of ingredients.

An all natural anti aging formula that combines the protein complex and enzymes synthesis Xtend-TK™, the molecularly reduced form of CoQ10 called Nano-Lipobelle H-EQ10, Phytessence Wakame kelp extract, and grape seed oil will far outperform any vitamin C lotion on the market. These ingredients provide you with greater collagen AND elastin production, while derailing the effort of certain enzymes to break your collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid down.

What I am trying to get across here is that most of the products I looked at that featured vitamin C didn't provide much to compliment the positive affects of this nutrient. It isn't good enough to simply boost collagen production, while doing absolutely nothing to slow the rate of collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid deterioration.

Botox injection treatment

Botox, which harnesses one of the 7 neurotoxins (botulinum toxin A) associated with the food poisoning effect known as botulism, allows this neurotoxin to block the neurotransmitter that is responsible for telling muscle fibers to contract and move. In botulism, the effect can lead upwards to paralysis, and even death, but in controlled micro-injections called Botox, the effect is much more minimal and also targeted. Basically, Botox causes the area injected to become paralyzed and thus the facial muscles cannot contract. Thus, wrinkles are not nearly as obvious and formed.

Using Botox, cosmetic surgeons and cosmetic surgery spa facilitators can target the area above the nose and between the eyebrows and temporarily freeze these glabellar frown and furrow lines - making the wrinkles all but vanish - which dramatically effects the appearance of the patient and makes them appear younger. Although this area above the nose is the only area of the body that has been approved by the FDA for treatment using Botox (in 2002), FDA regulations allow for other areas to be treated and currently there are 75 countries that use Botox in 20 different applications.

Below are some of the common side effects users can expect to experience when using Botox, with the caveat that some may experience none of these symptoms at all.

- Dysphasia (impairment of voluntary movement)
- Upper respiratory-tract infection
- Headaches
- Neck pains
- Ptosis
- Bruising/soreness at injection site
- Nausea