Tuesday, July 12, 2011

How to dry hair without damage to it

how to dry hair without damage it

The first step towards getting healthy hair without damaging it from your drying process is to start with washing your hair with a hydrating shampoo, then condition it with a smoothing conditioner. When your hair has been rinsed from the products it should be wrapped in a towel and squeezed until access moisture is absorbed into the towel. Remove the towel and continue squeezing your hair gently DO NOT RUB, if you rub your hair it will 'rough up' the cuticles and damage it.

When most of the excess moisture is out of your hair you need to carefully comb it through with a wide toothed comb, starting at the ends of your hair and work towards the roots very gently easing out any tangles, if your hair is very tangled then spray on some de-tangling spray or rub a 10p sized amount of conditioner on the palms of your hands and carefully run your fingers through from root to tip. When your hair has been combed through then you can use your hair-dryer to dry it. Try to use a protection spray to protect your hair from the heat of the hairdryer if possible, as the heat from the hair-dryer will damage your hair.

Start by separating your hair into sections and clipping the sections up and then one by one dry it section by section, putting your hair dryer on a cool setting or if you have a hair dryer with no cool setting available then put it on the slowest and coolest possible. Using a large round brush carefully wrap the hair section round the brush and aim the hair dryer down your hair to flatten the cuticles and enhance shine. Do not be tempted to just put your head upside down and blast your hair dryer into your head as that will rough up the cuticles of your hair and undo all your good work at the washing stage. Dry one section then pin it out of the way then dry another section until all sections are just dry, then let down all the sections you have dried and then carefully brush through with the hairdryer still blowing downwards until your hair is fully dry.

A good tip to keep your hair looking shiny and protect from damage from the environment e.g sun/pollution is to smooth on some serum. If you follow these simple steps your hair will be bouncy and shiny with no damage caused.
