Thursday, June 2, 2011

a healthier longer life

Chronological and biological age differences although not yet fully under stood are extremely important to the anti-aging process, because it may mean that individuals may be much younger biologically than the chronological would suggest.

Many cell die because the genes they contain are programmed to trigger a process known as aptosis, in which cells self-destruct to replace old cells with newer ones.

In recent years biological aging has focused on the long molecules of DNA in human cells called chromosomes. All chromosomes have protective caps at either end called telomeres. These telomeres shorten every time the cell replicates. Researchers have found links between the shortened telomers and certain types of age-related diseases such as heart diseases and some cancers. The telomers of of cancer cells, unlike those of normal cells, do not shorten each time the cell divides. Consequently, cancer cells can divide indefinitely.

It may be a mistake to believe that genes cannot be influenced and you are entitled to deal only with the hand that you were dealt. Biological processes that control how and why we age the way we do, are being discovered with increasing frequency. The evidence is mounting, that even our unwanted genes can be work favorably for us.

The number of centenarians in good health and energy are increasing. While there is still optimal solution for longevity or an anti-aging pill, there are a few factors that will contribute to a healthier longer life.

-Daily rigorous physical activity contributes to anti-aging because it not only helps strengthen bones muscles, and the heart, but it also teaches balance, which is critical in preventing the falls that have become a leading cause of death as we grow older.

-Vitamin D. Insufficient vitamin D is one of the most important vitamin deficiency and is possibly a factor in the increased levels of cancer, autoimmune ailments and heart disease. Vitamin D is free. Your body produces vitamin D when you are exposed to the ultraviolet B (UVB) rays in sunlight. Get 15 minutes of sun every day (or take 1,000 IU of vitamin D).

-Diet should consist of a large quantity of fruits and vegetables or foods that look the same after they have come out of the ground. Whole foods contain a larger quantity of phytochemicals and nutrients that support the rejuvenating process.

-Sleep more than seven hours a day. Some individuals claim to function adequately on less sleep, but may in fact be doing themselves an injustice. Sleep increases the levels of growth hormone, which boosts vitality.